homestarrunner.com was created by matt and mike chapman in 2000. the titual character, homestar runner, made his first web appearance in the cartoon "where my hat is at?" that year. my first exposure to this series was, like a lot of people, a little later with the famous sbemail "dragon". it came out in january of 2003, and i was obsessed. i immediately loved the characters, their designs, and the totally self-contained, weird little world they lived in. i, also like many others, had my vocabulary permanently altered by this site. it just does that to you.
homestar runner was originally created in adobe flash, and is still completely functional through the use of the flash emulator ruffle. that said, most of the site is also available on youtube!

favorite toons
strong bad is in jail cartoonbug in mouth disease
date nite
favorite shorts
lookin at a thing in a bagfish eye lens
homestar runner gets smth stuck in his craw
front facing
favorite sbemails
comiccrazy cartoon
kind of cool
video games
dangeresque 3
long pants
favorite characters
homestar runnerstrong bad
coach z
senor cardgage