with my top surgery just 16 days out i'm finally feeling
the anxiety. i've seen so many posts of guys who have
had bad complications, or been dissatisfied with their
results. i really,
don't want that to be me.
more than the surgery, i'm scared of how bad the
recovery is going to be. i've heard really mixed things
about it, that it's really not too bad as long as you
rest and take care of yourself, and that it's the worst
thing you'll ever experience and you'll wish you were
dead for two months. i'm very very fortunate in that i
have support - my mom will be here and obviously i have
mads - but i'm still anxious. i've never had any surgery
other than dental before, so all of this is completely
new to me.
i will say, working where i do, i have a host of
grandmas ready to bring me food at a moment's notice.
that's a blessing, lmao. i'm so grateful that my
coworkers are so supportive and kind. my store was
really the first place i was out socially as will, and
it made such an improvement in my mental health just
getting to be me and be respected. almost all of my
regular customers know i'm trans and everybody is
supportive. some of them even donated to my gofundme.
and with my coworkers, none of them ever misgender me,
nobody calls me by my deadname, they're all so so
excited for me to have this surgery. i feel
extraordinarily lucky to have the support that i do.
but yeah, between my family and friends and coworkers, i
feel like my recovery can't be
bad. and really, i'm way more excited than i am nervous. i just feel so grateful and privileged to have the opportunity to finally feel right in my body. i put off prioritizing this surgery for so long, and it's finally happening. it's surreal, it's awesome, i'm happy. i'm sorry, i'm off a gummy so this whole thing has been a little train-of-thought. for tonight, i'm gonna study japanese and snuggle my wife.
well. what can be said that hasn't already been said
better by other people? i libbed out and was... not
confident, but hopeful. now i just feel kind of hollow.
i really didn't think he'd win a second time.
my mom wants us to pack up and go live with page and
lewis in canada. they also have said they'd gladly take
us in. but life doesn't work like that. we can't just
pack up our lives, leave our jobs, and run away to
another country that would only take us for six months
anyway. as much as i want to, it's just not feasible.
i just feel numb. i can't bring myself to be scared or
upset. maybe that'll happen later. i don't know. i'm
about to give myself what may be the one of the last
testosterone shots i ever get to do. i don't want to
detransition. i don't want to live the way i did before.
that person isn't me. i know that isn't the only thing
to be concerned about, but right now, in this moment,
i'm allowing myself to be selfish. i'm allowing myself
to be concerned about myself and my trans sisters and
brothers. and god knows it's trans women who will be hit
the hardest by this election.
i don't know where to go from here. i don't know what
steps to take. i don't even know what else to say. i'm
sorry this is just rambling. i think i'm going to go
back to bed.
i went clothes shopping today. it's not something i do
very often, mostly because i can't afford it, but we
came into a little extra money so i treated myself.
since starting testosterone, i've gained about twenty
pounds. i weigh around 160 now, and that wouldn't bother
me at all were it not for the fact that it's manifested
itself almost exclusively in a beer gut. i am all about
body positivity and would never think or say anything to
anyone else about their weight, but i'm pretty
self-conscious about it. couple that with severe top
dysphoria, it makes clothes shopping a somewhat
unpleasant experience most of the time.
this time, though, i went with mads and she was really
encouraging, which made a huge difference. i made sure
to wear my binder too, and we found some really good
stuff! i shopped in the mens section at h&m and,
shockingly enough, found things that actually fit me.
it's difficult for me to find mens clothes that fit me,
because i'm 5'4" and have really narrow shoulders. but
their smalls worked!
a lot of the clothes i have don't really fit me very
well anymore, and i don't have a lot of clothes that i
like anyway. so this was a really positive experience! i
got a
that was very clearly aping mort garson, a nice navy
button-up, a very masc black jacket, and a black
turtleneck. all of them are, like... staple pieces? i
guess? like just basics that can be worn a lot of ways,
which i really appreciate.
anyway! this isn't me trying to brag or anything, i'm
just happy that i got clothes that work for me when i
haven't in a long time, and that i didn't have a
dysphoria/dysmorphia meltdown. it was a good time! :)
last month, i got word that
was coming to tulsa for a dj set on the 7th. naturally,
to go. so on saturday night we got dressed up and
actually went out into the world.
for some backstory, mads and i have been fans of
nathan's work since 2019. we were early supporters of
the dad channel, and talked to him on discord pretty
regularly. we actually met page and lewis, the friends
we visited
a few posts ago
, through the dad discord server. they were the ones who
suggested i send my art to him, which led to him
actually making it merch. he and his friend tom were
also extremely supportive of me while i was going
through everything with my dad. so needless to say, i
care about this guy a li'l bit.
we got there a little early; the event started at 10 and
we were there by 9:30. the bar wasn't too far from our
apartment, but we wanted to try to avoid the shitty
downtown traffic. there were only maybe ten people
there, so we got a couple of drinks and sat down to hang
out. the dj,
, is a tulsa native and someone who's worked with nathan
on music before. and he was a fucking
dj. everything he played was excellent. so we were
drinking our drinks and grooving for a while, and it was
honestly really pleasant. i kind of forgot how much i
like bars.
i was sitting with my back to the door, and after about
thirty minutes, mads looked at me with this huge smile
and just said, "his bald ass head." so i turned around,
and there was nathan, in full dad regalia, at the door
talking to some folks. by that time, more people had
turned out, and there were actually more than a few dad
fans in the crowd, which i was happy to see. we decided
we'd wait to go up to him, since he was chatting and
trying to get his deck set up. i was already a little
buzzed by then, and it was so surreal to see a guy i'd
only ever talked to on discord and watched on youtube
setting up to play a show in my (decidedly not a
destination location) home town.
after it had cleared out a little, we decided we'd go
say hi. the music was pretty loud and he was facing away
from me, so i just said, "hey nathan!" he turned around,
and when i said "i'm will.jpg," he immediately pulled me
into a hug. then he turned to mads, who said, "i'm mads,
i'm the wife!" and he said, "yes, i remember!" and
hugged her too. i'm normally a very anxious person and
start having like. heart palpitations when meeting
people, but i felt totally at ease, which was really
cool. we talked for a while, and then he was like, "oh
yeah, do you guys wanna get pictures?" of course we
wanted to get pictures.
this really made me realize how broken my front camera
dad and the wife.
it started getting pretty crowded where we were, and we
didn't want to take up too much of his time, so we went
to sit back down. he shouted "you better dance later!"
after us, to which i responded, "oh, we will!"
nathan finally went on around 11:30. it was interesting
to see the mix of people in the crowd who were
definitely there for dad and the people who had no idea
who he was. there were some people who seemed, like,
morbidly curious about what was going on. he yelled
something to hype everyone up, but i absolutely could
not understand what he was saying (which would be the
case for the rest of the night.) it worked though,
everyone was cheering. when the music actually started,
there were a couple of people dancing.
something i've noticed about where i live is that people
are very shy about dancing. they don't dance at
concerts, they don't dance at clubs, it's weird. i don't
know if it's a southern thing or just a boring people
thing, but it's weird. so that people were dancing at
all was an accomplishment in itself.
at one point, i went to the bathroom and mads texted me
to tell me that a dance circle had formed in the time
i'd been gone, and sent me a couple of videos.
nathan going ham.
multiple people tried to do the worm.
and one dude broke his phone.
after we finished our second round of drinks, i decided
to go dance. at this point i was drunk and my body
didn't hurt, so i was really feeling it lmao. plus, mads
and i hadn't danced with each other in years, and that
was something we spent a lot of our younger years doing.
nathan's choices in music were all over the place, but
it was still really fun to dance to. he even mixed in a
couple of dad tracks, and madeon's
pop culture
. at one point he jumped down into the crowd, and we
danced together for a minute. the whole thing was
honestly such a blast. what was cool was seeing the
amount of people who hadn't heard of dad before, who
were totally into the bit and getting hyped up. there
was a "dad! dad! dad!" chant at one point, tons of
people were dancing, there were people taking pictures
with him, it was awesome.
nathan's set ended at about 1 am, and we were both
pretty ready to be home. mads wasn't feeling great, and
we decided to head out without saying good bye because
he was getting swarmed by people. i felt a little bad
about that, but it was definitely time for us to be
home. he was nice enough to message me on sunday and
thank me for coming though, and said that he had a great
time and was happy to see the turnout for dad. :) it was
such a weird, fun experience all around.
bonus: my own wife JUDGING ME because i COULDN'T THINK
i got in, i got enrolled in classes, i was ready to go.
but then my financial aid posted, and i was really,
relying on getting at least a partial pell grant. all
that was offered to me were loans i can't afford to take
out, that wouldn't even cover the entirety of my
classes, let alone books.
i'm very disappointed and disheartened, but it is what
it is. i always knew this was a possibility, but i
stayed hopeful. at least now i know i can actually get
into a good college, and i can try again someday.
i guess i'm just scared that i'm going to be a cashier
for the rest of my life, because i'll never have the
means or the opportunity to do anything else. and i
mean, there's nothing wrong with being a cashier, it's a
necessary job, but it's not what i want to do with my
life. i was so excited to get into web development in a
professional capacity because it was something i
genuinely wanted to do, and now i can't. augh.
just a warning, this is probably going to be a little
rambling. i haven't thought out what i want to write, so
it's really going to be more like a collection of
thoughts around the topic.
i think about death like... kind of a lot. probably too
much. i've had a few extremely traumatic events in my
life that contributed heavily to that, but death anxiety
is something i've dealt with for my whole life. i'm
afraid of dying probably more than a lot of people, and
i'm even more afraid of the people i love dying.
when i was a kid, internet piracy was a different
landscape entirely. the most popular way to download
anything was through a peer-to-peer service called
limewire, a spiritual successor to napster. you could
download anything, from anyone. obviously, this meant it
was rife with viruses. it was also rife with shock
content. what i downloaded was labeled as the episode of
inuyasha i was looking for, and what i got was the video
of budd dwyer's suicide by self-inflicted gunshot. i was
nine or ten, and i was appropriately horrified.
unfortunately, it also unlocked a kind of morbid
curiosity in me. when i downloaded something and it
turned out to be something else, i didn't immediately
close it and move on with my life. i would watch. i saw
tons of accidental deaths; the one that sticks out most
to me was an airline employee getting sucked into the
jet of an airplane and turning into a pink mist in an
instant. that person had no idea that they were about to
die, barely had any time to react. this grim interest,
very unfortunately, afflicted a lot of people my age and
did serious harm to our mental health. i'm not proud of
it, but i was a child with unrestricted access to a very
different internet than we know now.
that said, i became all too aware of the infinite
gruesome ways a life could end. complete accidents that
no one could see coming, car wrecks, suicides, murders.
the interest in seeing that kind of thing faded a long,
time ago, but the fear that it instilled did not. over
the years, i've thought countless times about what could
happen to me, to my loved ones. when i think of death, i
don't think of a peaceful passing at an old age,
surrounded by loved ones. i think about the worst case
my godfather, san, lived with my family. in the time
that he lived with us, he was more of a dad to me than
my own father (who, admittedly, was dealing with a lot
of his own shit.) he took care of me, taught me all
kinds of things, and loved me like i was his own kid. he
moved in with us in 2003, when i was nine. he lived with
us until 2011. he was an extremely intelligent, very
capable man who worked with his hands constantly. he was
always building things, writing recipes, sketching,
playing video games with me. in 2009 he developed
tremors that only got worse as time progressed. his
handwriting deteriorated, he couldn't solder or cut. he
was terrified of having ms, because he watched his
grandfather's slow and tragic decline.
i went with him to the doctor in 2010. he did not tell
me what they said. that same year, my parents separated
and my mother moved to be with her family in texas. i
stayed because my school and friends were in oklahoma.
san stayed for me. in december of that year, i decided
to visit my mother for christmas and the new year. the
day that i left, though, i hesitated. san's tremors had
gotten significantly worse, he had lost weight, and he
looked sick. i was scared to leave him. i went anyway.
it was a good holiday. i hadn't seen my mom or my
grandmother in a while, and even though she didn't have
much money, we still had a really nice celebration. on
january 2nd, 2011, my mother and i went to the grocery
store to get some snacks. we were going to laze around
and watch tv and play video games. in the parking lot,
she got a phone call from my dad. i will never in my
life forget the absolute horror in her face as he told
her that san had killed himself in our home. i'll never
forget the soul-shattering agony, the screaming and
crying we did in that car. there is no other emotion
like it. i won't go through all the details of what came
after; it's not the point of this story, and it wouldn't
do me or you any good. the point is that for the first
time in my life, death had made a concrete and
devastating impact on me.
i have done a lot of healing since then. i have accepted
his death, accepted that it wasn't my fault. but what i
haven't been able to shake after all these years is the
fear that someone i love will suddenly, violently be
ripped out of my life. the fear that i'll get that phone
call. the fear that i'd had all my life was suddenly
validated and made much, much worse.
by 2019, i had repaired my relationship with my dad.
over the years, we had started spending time together.
i'd go over to his house often, listen to him play
guitar, talk about politics and music. we were close.
the last time i went to his apartment, he played his
guitar but with difficulty. he said he was having some
numbness in his hands, and that he would be going to the
doctor on monday. i was obviously very worried. he'd had
a stroke before, and more than one heart attack. as i
left, i told him i loved him and that i'd call him on
monday. but i was 25, self absorbed, and busy. i forgot
to call. i have never stopped regretting that.
on that tuesday, i got a message from my aunt. he did
have a stroke, a severe one. he was at the hospital near
my apartment, and i sped over there as fast as i could.
the doctors informed us that the prognosis was grim.
that night, i cried myself to sleep. my heart was broken
again. my dad was, like san, highly intelligent and
creative. the following days, once he regained
consciousness, seeing his speech and personality
stripped from him, were unbelievably painful. i didn't
go a day without crying, and i didn't go a day without
going to the hospital. i stayed by his side and held his
hand. he went through so much: a tracheostomy, a feeding
tube, hospital dementia, more and more as the days went
by. his recovery was dragged out over an agonizing four
months. in july of that year, he had been moved to a
skilled nursing facility. i remember begging, "if there
is a god, please let me have one last cogent
conversation with my father." the last time i visited
him, i got just that. he was completely lucid, knew who
i was and where he was, what had happened to him. he
told me how much he loved me. the next day, i got the
phone call. it again came from my aunt. a nurse had
found my dad on the floor, his heart stopped. it just
gave out. they resusciated him and rushed him to the
nearest hospital, and again i made the drive in tears,
this time with my wife at my side. only my aunt and i
were allowed into the room.
by the time i got there, his brain activity had already
stopped. his glassed over eyes are burned into my
memory. i held his hand and wept and told him that i was
sorry i hadn't been a better son, that i couldn't do
anything for him while the machines keeping him alive
beeped louder than anything i'd ever heard. when his
heart stopped again, my aunt grabbed my face, tears in
her eyes, and asked me what to do. all around us, the
medical staff rushed around to get the paddles ready,
but i knew he was already gone. i made the decision to
let what was left of my father die. i don't really
remember anything after that. i know i saw my family in
the lobby. i know i drove myself home. everything else
is a blur.
again, the cold hand of death had taken from me. this
time, it wasn't sudden. it was miserably protracted,
dragging on and keeping me eternally on edge, eternally
heartbroken. when it finally ended, i was trapped
between relief and unbelievable grief.
last year, my mother-in-law had a minimally invasive
brain surgery using state of the art technology to treat
an aneurysm. all of us were terrified, knowing that
something could go wrong. nothing did. it went
phenomenally well, and she was out of the hospital that
day. she had two aneurysms, though, and the next surgery
to treat the second one was absolutely standard. nothing
scary, nothing dangerous, it was one that is performed
routinely and almost entirely without risk. she, again,
would have left the hospital that day.
there was a mistake. the anaestheseologist misheard the
doctor and administered a ridiculously low amount of
anaesthetic and blood thinners. upon performing the
surgery, platelets collected around the aneurysm
immediately, and she suffered severe brain damage. for a
month, she was in a coma. every day, we were given new
information. we had high hope for her recovery. doctors
did as much they possibly could. though she wasn't
conscious, her body suffered terribly. it was awful to
watch. then she had a stroke. in her final brain scan,
it was revealed that there was little to no brain
activity occurring at all. my father-in-law had to make
that same enormous, terrible decision. he made the
decision to let her die.
the whole family gathered to watch her take her last
breath. there were tears, screams, prayers. it wasn't
right. it wasn't fair. she wasn't supposed to die. it
was just... an accident. and again, my fear was
i spend too much time terrified that something will
happen to my mom, or my wife, or my friends, or even me.
i'm so scared, all the time, of being blindsided by
death again. i know it's not healthy, but the only
impactful deaths in my life have been tremendously
traumatic ones. that is my experience of death. that's
why i cannot picture the idealized, serene passing for
me or for anyone. to me, it does not exist.
i stopped being religious when i was about eight or
nine. i was never a particularly strong believer anyway,
and i couldn't tell you the exact moment i decided there
was no god. i don't say this to be an edgelord or
anything, it's just that because of this, i have
absolutely zero concrete belief about what happens after
death. i don't know if we go to some magical afterlife,
if we get reincarnated, if we just stop existing. i am
more afraid of dying than i really care to admit because
of this. i wish i had some belief, anything at all that
would ease that fear. even believing firmly that we just
go into nothingness would be okay. it's the uncertainty
that terrifies me. i don't know where san, or my dad, or
my mother-in-law went. i don't know what they're
experiencing, if anything at all.
i do think it's the idea of nothingness that scares me
the most, though. i literally can't fathom what not
existing is like. no brain activity, no heartbeat, no
senses. how can that be? how do we experience
nothingness? i cannot wrap my mind around it. my mom
once said, "did you experience anything before you were
born? no. it's just like that." but how? i barely even
have the words to articulate the way this concept
confounds me. and maybe that just means i'm stupid, but
it scares me.
i don't really know what the point of this was. to vent?
to try and make some sense of my fears? i don't know. i
don't have a thoughtful conclusion to this post, or
anything insightful to say. what it boils down to is
that i am terrified of death in all its forms, and i
don't know what to do. if you read this, thanks and i'm
so, i had my consultation for top surgery. it went
really well, my surgeon is a cool dude. it was weird
having a guy professionally honk my bobos, but that was
nothing compared to the excitement i felt at the
possibility of finally being comfortable in my body. the
fishmouth incision
is what they'll be doing. he said that his happiest
clients are the ones who didn't keep their nipples and
just get them tattooed on after, so i've decided i'm
going to go that route. i initially wanted to keep them,
but apparently you have to keep the tissue beneath them
to keep them from going necrotic, and i want to be as
flat as possible. it'd only be about a week for recovery
and i wouldn't have to have drains, so that's pretty
the price they quoted me was $6155, which is about $5k
less than the last place i had a consultation with.
unfortunately they don't do payment plans though, so i'm
still still at square one. i'm excited, but i'm also not
excited. i mean, i'm excited because it seems more
possible than it did before, but it's still such a far
away thing that it's like, not real? if that makes
sense. i only have $20 in savings and we have a lot of
credit card debt to pay down. i was kind of thinking of
starting a gofundme, but those never really work out. it
would be great if some anonymous benefactor could just
throw $6k at me, lmao.
so yeah, it went well but it's still a "someday" thing.
regardless, i'm happy i went. i don't know how to end
this post, lmao, bye.
i'm so fucking sickened by this country. our
infrastructure is falling apart, our people are barely
making enough to get by, and somehow this administration
is prioritizing aiding an unthinkable genocide. i don't
even know what to say anymore. there's nothing that
hasn't been said. the actions of a terrorist
organization do not warrant the coldblooded murder of
thousands of innocent civilians, the destruction of
schools and churches and hospitals, and anyone with half
a brain understands that. all i can say is that if you
can, strike. if you can't, do whatever you can to aid
palestinians. one thing i can recommend is the purchase
of eSims, which you can do through an app called
simly.io. instructions for how to get it to people who
need it are below.
somehow, against all odds, i have turned thirty. i'm
officially Old Online.
my birthday was yesterday. mads and i went to oklahoma
city on wednesday night, stayed in an airbnb, and spent
the day in the city. it was really nice! we had breakfat
all about cha
, a really good korean cafe, went to a couple of
in the gay district, got some cute stickers and snacks
at the
huge asian market
and delicious drinks at
another one.
we also stopped at half price books (i picked up the
aenid and the illiad bc i've never read either, and mads
got the sun also rises) and the container store. my god,
i would live in the container store if i could. we got a
bunch of stuff to organize our desk area for when i open
my etsy shop. we got back in to tulsa at around 8:30 and
just hung out for the rest of the night. it was really
peaceful, which i think both of us needed.
today i slept in AND took a nap because apparently i
have no self control, but we did get a lot done on the
house. for dinner we went to india palace with our best
friend. it's literally always so good, absolutely the
best indian food in town. after that, they took me to
the mall and spit a pair of doc marten loafers for me.
i've never had a brand new pair, so i'm not looking
forward to breaking them in, but they look great and i'm
happy to have em.
all in all, it's been a really nice couple of days. it's
definitely made me feel less weird about being thirty.
i've had a lot of thoughts and emotions wrapped up in
that, especially because i never thought i would make it
this far in the first place. but i'm happy, and i'm
happy to be here. :)
content warning: gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia
my dysphoria has been unbelievably bad lately. i go
through phases with it; sometimes i'm uncomfortable but
can manage, sometimes i'm devastated. i've been looking
at grants for top surgery but they make you jump through
so many hoops, and i know there are other, less
fortunate people who need it more than i do. but god,
it's really kicking my ass. i cried the other day
because i saw a picture of someone with top surgery
scars. someone calling me "ma'am" at work sent me into a
two day long depression. i don't really know what to do.
i can't just wear my binder 24/7.
on top of that, i've gained twenty-five pounds in the
last year and a half. it's really, really distressing.
i've always been pretty skinny, and i'm having to force
myself to adjust to this new body. at what i currently
weigh, i'm still small, and i would never in my life
think to criticize anyone else for weighing what i do.
it's like i'm only fatphobic to myself. i'm only
transphobic to myself. i would rather eat glass than
tell someone they're "too fat" or would never be a
"real" man, but when it's me, i think those things. i'm
really having a hard time not being extraordinarily
critical of myself. the antidepressant i'm on is
definitely working, at least better than the one i just
switched from. i think it's really just a lifetime of
self-deprecation forming awful mental health habits. i'm
trying to use the coping skills i've picked up in the
time i've been alive, but it's really, really hard right
now. i wish i could just flip a switch and wake up in
the body i want.
i was right in my thinking that this whole trip was
going to be exhausting, but my god it was so fun. skinny
puppy was amazing, i got to meet paul barker (who i
didn't even know was opening for them!!!), i got to have
an incredible three days in toronto with my best
friends, and now i'm finally home. i just hate that i
have to go to work tomorrow, lmao. but i do feel
refreshed and like i got a good break. i'll post
pictures maybe tomorrow? but for now i'm going to smoke
a bowl and go the fuck to sleep.
in the thralls of what could have been a manic episode,
mads and i bought tickets to a skinny puppy show. we
also bought tickets to toronto. we've been saving for a
while (and not for anything specific,) so we're not
doing anything financially risky, but it still feels
wild that we just decided last-minute to take a three
day trip out of the country. it worked out really well
though bc both the concert tickets and the hotel room
let me use afterpay, and i got the tickets way in
advance so they were already paid off by the time we
booked the hotel room. and our friends are picking us up
when we land, so we don't have to worry about crashing
it's going to be a rough 24 hours though bc we're:
✦ driving 4 hours for to the show
✦ getting dinner
✦ checking into the hotel
✦ going to the show
✦ going back to the hotel and going immediately to
✦ waking up at 6 am to be on the road by 7 am
✦ driving 4 hours back home
✦ stopping at the apartment
✦ getting our travel stuff
✦ rushing to the airport
✦ getting on a flight
✦ huge layover (that's why it was cheap lmao)
✦ getting to toronto at 11 pm
✦ ubering to friends' place
✦ getting up early to pack in everything we want to
✦ generally hanging out for three days
✦ flying back home, getting in around midnight
✦ going to work the next day
i'm gonna be fucking exhausted but it's so worth it. we both
miss page and lewis, and mads definitely needs a good break
w/how hard they've been working.
this blog is not intended for readers under the age of
18! i'm thirty-plus years old. i'm going to use swears and
talk about adult stuff. this could be:
✦ mental health/illness
✦ alcohol or marijuana use
✦ inappropriate language
✦ sex stuff
or literally anything else. if any of that makes you
uncomfortable, please click the pipimi trio down there
to go back to the home page. thanks!