▸ 9.15.19
▸ personal
yearning for your love
doing things i'd never do
to make you notice
▸ 7.4.19
▸ personal
oh my god oh shit
holy fuck dude what even
what the fuck?? what the
▸ 7.3.19
▸ personal
i never thought that
i would find family here
in a chat server
▸ 7.2.19
▸ personal
what is wrong with you?
are you mean or just stupid?
where did your love go?
▸ 7.1.19
▸ personal
clings like an ill-fitting suit
awkward on your frame
▸ 6.17.19
▸ personal
thirty-two ounce cans
saved tickets and signed posters
your home misses you
▸ 6.16.19
▸ personal
i want to tell you
how much your content helps
i'll donate instead
▸ 6.12.19
▸ fictional
i will plant my hope
in the garden of your heart
and pray it grows kind
▸ 6.3.19
▸ personal
i'm willing to have
intestinal discomfort
for sweet qdoba
▸ 6.2.19
▸ personal
another new med
who am i if not the sum
of all my symptoms?
▸ 6.1.19
▸ personal
in stuff that doesn't matter
distracting myself
▸ 5.24.19
▸ personal
how to navigate
your misdirected anger
please give me a map
▸ 5.23.19
▸ personal
my dad had a stroke
it's been hard to recover
but i have hope now
▸ 3.19.19
▸ personal
i am behind now
unmotivated to do
more of these haiku
▸ 3.16.19
▸ personal
though we do visit
i still miss my family
i miss being close
▸ 3.15.19
▸ personal
you understand me
most of the time anyway
at least you're trying
▸ 3.14.19
▸ personal
not good enough yet
and yet i'm not improving
art is just too hard
▸ 3.13.19
▸ personal
i am not a joke
my identity is real
i just want respect
▸ 3.12.19
▸ personal
you make my heart race
in a way that makes no sense
not quite platonic
▸ 3.11.19
▸ personal
tell me i'm special
i'm needier than you think
it's ugly on me
▸ 3.10.19
▸ personal
overcast and cold
white on the ground reminds me
i wish you were here
▸ 3.9.19
▸ fictional
always so thoughtful
careful consideration
for meaningless words
▸ 3.7.19
▸ fictional
you gave up your dreams
for sick gratification
a need for attention
▸ 3.6.19
▸ personal
menthols and sweet tea
staining my teeth and my tongue
like father like son
▸ 3.5.19
▸ fictional
at your parents' house
warm lamplight and stolen booze
planning our future
▸ 3.4.19
▸ fictional
stumbling back home
hot skin, dilated pupils
scrambling for love
▸ 3.3.19
▸ fictional
all those years apart
i melt into you again
like you never left
▸ 3.1.19
▸ fictional
from one to the next
desperate to be wanted
a hole you can't fill
▸ 2.28.19
▸ personal
hating this body
afraid of testosterone
a painful limbo
▸ 2.27.19
twenty-four seven
lo-fi chill hop radio
beats to relax to
▸ 2.26.19
▸ personal
i promise you this
i will love you all my days
and the days after
▸ 2.25.19
▸ personal
i am not perfect
i still make stupid mistakes
but i will improve
▸ 2.24.19
▸ fictional
i want to forget
how it felt to be the one
you cherished the most
▸ 2.23.19
▸ personal
disappointment tastes
like your mouth when we kiss
always on your tongue
▸ undated
▸ personal
watch it fall apart
everything you worked to get
you don't deserve it
▸ undated
▸ personal
smoke coils and drifts
lazy on the calm, still air
shrouding your features
▸ undated
▸ personal
i have figured out
that i always want too much
and give too little
▸ undated
▸ personal
talking about god
i envy your conviction
belief in nothing
▸ undated
▸ personal
on our wedding day
we will look back on all this
knowing we chose well
▸ undated
▸ personal
paintings of crosses
love your trashy home decor
ugly's the new black
▸ undated
▸ personal
awkward in my skin
i wish i wanted to be a girl
and not this